Bridgestone Associates prepared a detailed feasibility study, detailed capital cost estimate and a 35% Design for a 42 MW Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant for Graphic Packaging International Inc. for their paperboard manufacturing and consumer packaging plant in West Monroe, Louisiana. This natural gas fired CHP plant is based around a refurbished General Electric Frame 6B combustion turbine generator with a new Deltek (HRSG). The GE Frame 6 combustion turbine was installed previously at the 56 MW Cardinal Cogeneration Plant at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. It operated there from 1986 until being shut down in March 2015. The combustion turbine, generator, switchgear, natural gas compressors, controls, and all the auxiliary equipment related to the combustion turbine was salvaged and removed by Bryan Power Generation and transported to West Monroe where it was reinstalled at the Graphic Packaging paper mill. It generates approximately 42 MW of electrical power and up to 250,000 lb/hr of 1,500 psig steam to drive existing steam turbines and for process use. The CHP plant construction started in July 2015 and unit start-up was achieved in December 2015. Bridgestone’s 35% Design and Cost Estimating Project was completed in December 2014.