Bridgestone Associates prepared a detailed feasibility study for a 225,000 square foot cannabis grow facility to be built in Pueblo, Colorado. The study was prepared for Bridgestone’s long‐term client Bryan Power Generation Solutions for their prospective client Todays Healthcare Meds (THC). THC is planning to convert and expand an old soft drinks plant in Pueblo to grow
and process medical and recreational marijuana. The feasibility study was performed during the early stages of development of the overall project with the goal of determining if a Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant could cost effectively provide the facility with electricity, heat, cooling and carbon dioxide.
Using the preliminary design drawings for the facility, Bridgestone conducted a detailed analysis of the planned electrical and thermal loads and prepared a comprehensive, hour‐by‐hour load profile for the thermal and electrical loads within the facility. This required analysis of the loads connected to over 100 electrical distribution panels and a planned 4,800 RT of chillers. Based on the results, Bridgestone then prepared and analyzed a number of alternative CHP plant configurations, their capital and operating costs, and the overall economics of the project. A detailed report recommending a 16 MW turbine based or 12 MW reciprocating engine based CHP plant with 4,000 RT of absorption chillers was then prepared and provided to THC.